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To choose donors, you can use our online catalogue, get a consultation over the phone or come to our cryobank where our specialists will help you. Expended surveys that include childhood photos, voice recordings, examples of handwriting, and an essay ‘about yourself’ allow you to choose donor biological material according to your preferences. You can choose according to specific biometric qualities, personality traits or physical similarities to you or your partner. 

After choosing a donor, you can book sperm sample, donor oocytes, or embryos for a required period and complete an IVF cycle or cryotransfer at the time most convenient for you. 

The main advantages of our company are a wide choice of biological material, flexible pricing policy and the opportunity to deliver cells to any part of the world. 

Why choose us?

  • Wide choice of donors.
    Our cryobank has more than 8000 frozen oocytes from 400 donors of different races, nationalities and religions.
  • Leading specialists.
    Our caring and experienced specialists will guide you through the entire process, making sure you find your donor.
  • Convenient online catalogue.
    Expended surveys from our donors include childhood photos, voice recordings, examples of handwriting, an essay "about yourself" and allow you to choose the donor’s biological material according to your preferences.
  • Personalised search.
    You can choose according to specific biometric qualities, personality traits or physical similarities to you or your partner.

Top 5 questions when choosing cryobank

Oocytes are affected by freezing significantly more than embryos, as they are more sensitive to the processes of freezing and defrosting. Initially, we used the slow freezing method. It has certain disadvantages; for example, the creation of crystal ice inside a cell damages cellular membranes. If such a thing happens, the oocyte becomes unsuitable for further use in fertilisation. During slow freezing, only 75% of oocytes stayed viable. Nowadays, we use the vitrification method, fast freezing, during which intracellular water turns into an amorphic gelatin-like substance. It excludes the risk of damaging cellular membranes. All our specialists complete educational programs learning this technique and undergo further training directly from the technique’s developers. According to last year’s statistics from our clinic, 100% of oocytes preserved their vital signs and quality after defrosting.

If a patient needs donor oocytes for an IVF trial, they can be either fresh or frozen. Some believe that the quality of fresh oocytes is higher. However, it is harder to obtain them, as it requires synchronising donor and patient menstrual cycles. Secondly, it is quite an expensive procedure. The vitrification method allows to preserve oocyte’s quality, so frozen oocytes are a cheaper biological material than fresh oocytes, with their quality being as good as fresh ones. Another advantage of frozen oocytes is the possibility to get them at any time and in any quantity in our cryobank. There is no qualitative difference between fresh and frozen oocytes used in IVF cycles.

The choice of donors is based on multiple criteria. For some patients, a similar appearance is essential; for others, it is the match of blood group and rhesus factor. Some pay attention to nationality and religion. We consider all of our patients’ preferences and present you with multiple candidates from which you can choose. You can also send us your photo and leave the rest of the work to our specialists.

After oocytes are obtained, their maturation stage is estimated. Accordingly, oocytes are divided into three groups: degenerative, mature, and immature. Only mature oocytes are frozen, and others are utilised.

Our specialists deliver across all regions of Russia and to the countries nearby. Time of delivery is discussed individually and is usually about one day and more depending on the area of delivery.

Виноградская Елена. Руководитель координаторов донорских программ

How to choose an egg donor?

Frozen donor eggs have revolutionized possibilities for IVF treatments.

Frozen donor eggs are available when you are ready! No need to worry about timing and coordinating cycles between a donor and a recipient. You never have to wait; once you are ready you can move forward with a CryoBank ALtraVita donor immediately.

Our donors are highly sought after. Once you choose a donor, contact our Client Relations team right away to secure your cohort.

If a donor is active on our database, cohorts are available immediately. There is no need to coordinate with a donor’s cycle.

Your Client Relations Specialist will work with you and your clinic to confirm shipment details.

If you have not identified a clinic, the Client Relations Team would be happy to provide you with a list of clinics we work with in your region.

Your embryology team at your IVF clinic has had a collaboration with the CryoBank AltraVIta embryology experts on our state-of-the-art protocol.

Embryo transfers are completed by your IVF clinic.

Over the phone consultatio

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By clicking the «Send» button, I accept the terms of information processing.

Cells vitrification

We use the latest version of the Cryotech vitrification method for cryopreservation of biological material in our clinic. It is a highly speedy freezing using cryoprotectants. It allows to preserve the material gently for long periods and allows for high effectiveness of the future defrosting. (>95%).

Cryobank ‘AltraVita” is a certified training centre of the Cryotech company led by Masashige Kuwayama-the founder of the vitrification method. Our cryobank is included in the pool of centres with maximum vitrification effectiveness (100% Survival Club).

We have a special price for Cryotech defrosting kits available for future parents of the clinics we have partnerships with. 

Success rates

effectiveness of defrosting
95% effectiveness of defrosting
of clinical pregnancies
65% of clinical pregnancies
rate of fertilisation
82% rate of fertilisation
rate of embryo formation
59% rate of embryo formation
Oocyte donor No. 68533
Oocyte donor No. 68533
Oocyte donor No. 97314
Oocyte donor No. 97314
Oocyte donor No. 80086
Oocyte donor No. 80086
Oocyte donor No. 22871
Oocyte donor No. 22871
Oocyte donor No. 74293
Oocyte donor No. 74293
Oocyte donor No. 78201
Oocyte donor No. 78201
Oocyte donor No. 59447
Oocyte donor No. 59447
Oocyte donor No. 82058
Oocyte donor No. 82058

Which oocytes are better: fresh or frozen?

Begin when you are ready.
Frozen oocytes are ready to be used when it is most convenient for you. There is no need to wait for stimulation of the suitable donor and to synchronise your periods. Oocytes, embryos, and sperm samples that are shown in our catalogue are ready to be used.
Access to our catalogue from any place in the world.
Choose donors from any place. You can get help online from our specialists or contact them by phone. You can book biological material and pay online.
Buy as many cells as you need.
In our clinic, the same donor is stimulated and punctured multiple times to offer our patients the required amount of cells.
There is no risk of cancelling the donor’s puncture.
There is no risk of unexpected circumstances that can affect a donor’s stimulation. The donor has already been punctured; the cells have been obtained and frozen. You just need to define time and prepare for transfer.
Rates of fertilisation and blastocyst creation rates are similar for both fresh and frozen oocytes.
The opportunity to prepare your endometrium and complete the transfer when your body is ready increases the rate of implantation and future pregnancy.
Opportunity to have genetically identical brothers and sisters.
If you wish, you can book additional samples of donor sperm, donor oocytes or embryos for future IVF programs.

Find Your Donor

If you are searching for your donor and need assistance, have questions, or are ready to reserve your donor, schedule a time to talk with one of our experienced, caring client representatives.

Your name
Phone (required)
Your e-mail (required)
Ethnic Background
Additional requirements for the donor
By clicking the «Send» button, I accept the terms of information processing.

Donor oocytes

  • Donors are qualified according to the norms created by the Russian Ministery of Health and international standards, including FDA additional genetic, psychological, and clinical assessments. Donors are also tested for the presence of nicotine and illegal drugs. 
  • Our donors are 21-34 years old, have their own healthy children, and their IQ is in the normal range.
  • We have very high standards for our donors.

Donor embryos

  • Embryos get cryoconservated at the blastocyst stage of good and perfect quality.
  • We have selected embryos with preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) completed in a lab of the world’s expert-level REPRODUCTIVE GENETIC INNOVATIONS LLC, USA.
  • The effectiveness of the programs using donor embryos is 70%, and of the programs using selected donor embryos is 90%.
  • There is an opportunity to create an embryo using gametes from the chosen oocyte and sperm donors. 

Donor sperm

1 out of 120 candidates becomes a sperm donor.

  • 80% are excluded due to low spermogram and cryotolerance indicators.
  • 15% are excluded after an interview and preliminary medical and genetic tests.
  • Over 4% are excluded after additional clinical tests.
  • The age of donors is between 18 and 35 years. That is why many donors with a high percentage of clinical pregnancies continue to donate sperm in our cryobank for many years.
  • We also offer VIP donors.

Additional genetic tests

We store blood samples from our donors, so we can always carry out additional genetic tests that you need.


Donor egg
800 USD
PGS tested donor embryo
5 400 USD
Donor embryo
2 990 USD
Donor sperm
660 USD
The price of cryoshipping depends on the specific destination
call or write


  • USD
  • Correspondent bank details: "Development Capital Bank"
  • Raiffeisen Bank International AG Vienna, Austria
  • Beneficiary bank details
  • Account: 7055035836
  • Development Capital Bank Moscow, Russia
  • Beneficiary
  • Account: 40702840900018007490
  • "ECO center" LLC
  • Address: 4A Nagornaya street,117186, Moscow, Russia
  • EURO
  • Correspondent bank details: "Development Capital Bank"
  • Raiffeisen Bank International AG Vienna, Austria
  • Beneficiary bank details
  • Account: 00055035836
  • Development Capital Bank Moscow, Russia
  • Beneficiary
  • Account: 40702978500018007490
  • "ECO center" LLC
  • Address: 4A Nagornaya street,117186, Moscow, Russia
  • Send money via PayPal account: info@altravita-ivf.ru
  • Or via PayPal link: - https://paypal.me/altravitaivf